The Smith Center Wedding: Carrie & Kaz

The Smith Center Wedding: Carrie & Kaz

Carrie & Kaz knew they wanted wedding at The Smith Center years before the wedding even arrived. It took some negotiating, but Carrie convinced the venue TWO years before the wedding date to sell her the venue you for the wedding. That girl has skills! When I met...

Mexican Chic wedding: Britni & Brandon

I am not lying when I said I had actual dreams about Britni & Brandon’s Latin inspired wedding at Springs Preserve.  For months leading up to the wedding day we planned, designed, schemed and dreamed about floating papel picado banners, maraca escort cards,...

Las Vegas Wedding Planner: Scheme Wedding & Event Design

Do you ever have those times in your life when you are ready for a new version of yourself?  Maybe you go from brunette to blond or try a bold lipstick or switch all the furniture around in your living room for a new vibe?  Well, Scheme was ready for a new look!  Over...

Las Vegas Jewish Weddings: Throwback Thursday Edition

Planning a Jewish wedding in Las Vegas is a popular option for many of our couples.  Some of them do a more traditional Jewish wedding with the ceremony at the synagogue followed by a night of dinner, dancing and lots of shouting Mazel Tov!  Other couples have...