Are you planning on changing your name after getting married? Scheme has some tips on how to get the process started. Click here to schedule a consultation call with us today!
1) Following your Las Vegas wedding ceremony, your officiant will file your license with the county clerk. From here, you can access the clerk’s website and request a copy of your license to be mailed to you. After receiving your official license, your first step is to change your name with the Social Security Office. You can find all the steps to do so by clicking here.
2) After you receive your new Social Security card, you can change your name with the DMV. You’ll need to go in person with your original marriage license, current drivers license and your new social security card.
3) Last, you’ll need to change your name on your bank accounts, insurance, and all of your various accounts. This can be quite the daunting task. There are great services available like Newly Named or Hitch Switch that can make the process much easier.
As Las Vegas wedding planners — who all got married here in Vegas and all chose to change our names — we’re informed on the process. Please reach out with questions you may have. Click here to send us an email.