Whether a whirlwind romance or a decade in the making, your love story is one of a kind. Your engagement story marks your previous chapter (Congratulations!!) and we want to help you write your next, the wedding day! Your stories, jokes, innocence secrets and monumental occasions should all continue to play a part in the big day. So, please answer the following questions to help you create an authentic next chapter. Continually come back to these questions and answers when decisions become tough and feel free to write your own! The whole idea of this practice is to hone in on the two of you becoming one and to expand on your journey as a couple. We are cheering you on!

1. How and where did you meet? Was it love at first sight?
2. Describe two moments in your relationship that immediately come to mind? Are they monumental or a simple cherished memory?
3. What do the two of you typically do on a night out or a night in? What do you dream to do?
4. Describe a party you would host in your home. Does it excite you or stress you out?
5. What are your hobbies, collections, guilty pleasures, favorite sports teams, etc. that unite the two of you?
6. Which room in your home is the most enjoyable to you and why?
7. Who has played a significant role in mentoring your relationship and being your biggest cheerleader?
8. Which religious or cultural elements do each of you bring to the relationship and which one will be dominant moving forward?
9. What will be your legacy as a married couple? What are you going to do better as a couple than you would have on your own?
10. Be inspired to write your own questions!
So, now that you’ve pondered these questions, please be sure to write them down. Place them as the first page of your wedding planning binder (I know you want one!) and frequently visit them. It’s the Scheme solution to keeping our couples on track to their authentic wedding day full of love and dedication to the marriage. Your love story is sure to be the true star of the day and we would be honored to help you!
For more questions like the above, you can purchase our book, Planning By The Book! It’s full of ideas, inspiration and guidance for your Las Vegas wedding.